Self-Showing Phone Call Verification

As self-showing fraud continues to evolve, ShowMojo is always on the lookout for ways to end the self-showing fraud issue for good. This feature is yet another avenue to that end.

Feature Overview

There are at least three types of teams that might consider this feature:

  • Any team that is currently being targeted by a self-showing fraudster and doesn’t want to implement all of ShowMojo’s Recommended Best Practices.
  • Any team that has implemented all those best practices and is still having fraud issues. In this case, though, We Really Want to Hear From You because this should be exceedingly rare.
  • Teams conducting self-showings that, for whatever reason, prefer to speak with the prospect before they enter the home. 

How does it work? When the prospect arrives at the home they'll need to verify their location and call your team (via a ShowMojo PHONE number) in order to get an access code. When someone on your team answers, they can press 2 to accept the call. If and when your team member is ready to distribute the access code, he or she presses 2 again. The access code will automatically be announced over the call and text message to the prospect. 

Here are a few additional tidbits:

  • The feature can be enabled and disabled on a listing-by-listing basis. So you can focus on listings that are specifically being targeted.
  • When enabled, you can choose to route the calls to a specific phone number or to the agent assigned to the showing. Calls will be routed to the account's phone number if there are no phone numbers assigned to the showing agent.
  • There are settings to either distribute or not distribute the access code when no one on your team is available to answer.
  • This feature even works when There Are Both Property and Listing Access Devices.
  • Calls are automatically ended after 5 minutes of talk time.

Get Started

The Self-Showing Phone Call Verification feature can be enabled on the Digital Access Settings page in the Showing Access Control and Notification section. When this feature is enabled, all listings on the account are defaulted to immediately use the feature. Once enabled, additional settings can be configured. 

Default settings for new listings can be set on the Listing Settings page in the Self-Showing Defaults section.

The behavior of individual listings can be updated on the Listings Digital Access page in the Self-Showings section.


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