Give Residents Access to the MojoLock on Their Home

It's easy to send an invite to any current (or future) resident so he or she can download the ShowMojo app and access the MojoLock on their home.

Feature Overview

Resident access allows:

  • Bluetooth lock/unlock access from an iPhone or Android smartphone.
  • Creation of temporary access codes that do not exceed one month in length.
  • Creation of up to four permanent access codes that are exclusive to the resident. (Someone from your team will need to physically go to the lock to remove old access codes between residents.)
  • Firmware upgrades to be performed by the resident.

Additionally, ShowMojo automatically handles essential responsibilities, such as:

  • Emailing the resident to get them set up.
  • Not giving the resident access prior to the lease start date.
  • Automatically ending resident access as of the lease end date.
  • Simple account management activities like password resets.

Get Started

To configure resident access (and allow residents to use permanent access codes as well as upgrade the firmware on the lock):

  1. Go to Digital Access Settings
  2. Scroll down to Resident Access.
  3. Update the appropriate toggle.

To use resident access:

  1. On the ShowMojo Dashboard, go to the Residents page.
  2. Search for or add a resident. This resident must be associated with a MojoLock-enabled listing.
  3. Click the Access toggle. 

That's all. ShowMojo does the rest.

Help Videos

Give Residents Access to the MojoLock on Their Home

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