Do Not Notify Team Members About Claimed Showings
When using document verification with Lead Claim, it is recommended that ShowMojo NOT notify all team members when a showing is claimed. By default, this option is disabled for lead claim. If for any reason the option has been enabled, it can be disabled on the Team Settings page.
In this case, the following scenarios occur:
- If the document is sent before the showing is claimed: the document approval request is sent to the Account Owner.
- If the document is sent after the showing is claimed: the document goes to the agent who claimed the showing.
When Team Members Are Notified about Claimed Showings
If ShowMojo IS configured to notify agents about claimed showings, then the following behavior will occur:
- If the document is sent before the showing is claimed: the document approval request is sent to the account owner. Once the showing is claimed, the "showing claimed" email goes to all of the lead claim agents, including any pending request to approve the document.
- If the document is sent after the showing is claimed: the document goes to the agent who claimed the showing.
In rare cases, it is possible this behavior is preferable -- when team members specifically want such notifications (and would approve documents for one another).