For lockbox and smartlock showings, ShowMojo normally distributes access codes immediately after the prospect confirms he or she will attend the showing. ShowMojo's Automated Showing Confirmation process typically begins 24 hours before the showtime, so access codes can be distributed up to a day before the showing.
There are three exceptions to this rule:
- For See it Now showings scheduled at the listing on a mobile device, ShowMojo distributes the access code via text message without a confirmation. This convenient text-only delivery ensures the prospect provided a valid cell number.
- Digital access device (MojoLock, MojoBox, CodeBox and Vault eLockbox) showings can be configured to provide an access code only after the prospect checks in at the listing. To learn more about this feature, read the Extra Security and Notification When a Prospect Accesses a CodeBox article.
- Self-Show Location Verification can be enabled on the account. It is also automatically added on a showing-by-showing basis when ShowMojo detects a possible fraudulent marker related to the showing.