Manually Set a Listing Location for New Construction and Other Issues

For ShowMojo-managed listings, our mapping service very occasionally doesn't get the location correct. That's most often the case with new construction homes that simply haven't made it onto the map yet.

For these cases, we've added a Manually Set Location option to the Listings page at the top right of the Listing Essentials. Just click it, and it opens a map. Find the right spot on the map to pin the location or enter the exact coordinates of the location. When a coordinate is added, the pin dynamically moves to that location.

Formats that work in the Coordinates search box:

  • Decimal degrees (DD): 41.40338, 2.17403
  • Degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS): 41°24'12.2"N 2°10'26.5"E
  • Degrees and decimal minutes (DMM): 41 24.2028, 2 10.4418

If you are having an issue with a listing imported from another system, ShowMojo strongly recommends you correct the listing location in that source system. This is because an incorrect location being distributed from any system can have a negative impact on your marketing efforts.

Additional Limitations:

  • Once you manually set a listing location, ShowMojo assumes you got it right and doesn't give you another chance to correct it. If you need to make a another adjustment to a listing location, change the listing address to something else, save it, and change it back. You will then be able to manually update the listing location.
  • Because there are potentially fraudulent uses of this feature, it's been restricted to 16 listings per month. If that limit is causing an issue on your account, please File a Ticket with ShowMojo Support.

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