Listing Data Imported from RentCafe XML

For accounts using ShowMojo's RentCafe XML import functionality, here is a full mapping of how ShowMojo pulls listing data from RentCafe.

ShowMojo Data Location within RentCafe XML Feed
Listing address Primary source: Property, Address
Secondary source (unit): ILS_Unit, Units, Unit, IDValue
Rent Property, Rental Info
Security deposit Floorplan, Deposit, Amount, ValueRange, Exact
Bedrooms Floorplan, Room[RoomType='Bedroom'], Count
Full Bathrooms Floorplan, Room[RoomType='Bathroom'], Count (whole number only)
Partial Bathrooms Floorplan, Room[RoomType='Bathroom'], Count (half number only)
Pets Property, Policy, Pet Allowed
Square Feet Floorplan, SquareFeet, Min
Housing Type Property, ILS_Identification, ILS_IdentificationType
If value is "house for rent" then House, otherwise "Apartment"
Details Property, Amenity, Description
NOTE: Values matching the Detailed List of Amenities will automatically set at import. Other amenities will be added to the Highlights section.
Listing Images Property, Floorplan, and Unit
NOTE: ShowMojo pulls all photos available in each of these locations.
Highlights Property, Information, LongDescription
if blank, then Floorplan, Comment
Listing Agent Email Address Unit, Marketing, Agent, Email Address

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