ShowMojo provides a variety of options and uses for lockboxes (whether manual or digital) and smartlocks.
At the Account Level
When the self-show scheduling options are used, showings are scheduled in 30 minute increments with the following defaults:
- Seven days a week.
- From 8am to 8pm.
- With no prior notice.
- Up to 14 days in the future.
You can alter these default settings on the Schedule Settings page in the Self-Show Scheduling section.
At the Listing Level
On a listing-by-listing basis, ShowMojo can be configured to:
- Use a primary access device as the only showing method for the listing. That is, when you only want prospect self-showings for the listing.
- Give prospects the option to select between self and accompanied showings. So the prospect can select a time to meet you there or choose to see the place on their own.
- Keep the primary access device available only for third parties such as contractors and brokers. So prospects only book accompanied showings, but ShowMojo's Text-to-Access and Third-Party Agent Showing functionality can still be used.
- Assign additional MojoLocks to a listing for non-showing activities. These additional MojoLock devices are not connected to self-showing activity in any way, and can be used in conjunction with the Resident Access feature.
Then, for listings with device-only scheduling, this behavior can be defined to use:
- Default 30 minutes windows, with a configurable schedule and maximum days in the future that showings can be scheduled.
- A custom calendar that you completely configure and assign to the listing for this purpose.
Finally, the listing can automatically add a screening question for self-showings. You can choose between:
- Drivers License Verification.
- Credit Card Validation.
- An option for the Prospect to Choose between Using a Drivers License or Credit Card.
All access-device-based settings can be found:
- On the listing's Digital Access page, linked in the left column of the page, where listing-by-listing updates can be made.
- On the Listings Settings page in the Lockbox and Smartlock Defaults section, where defaults for new listings can be set.
Before updating your showing type on any of your on-market listings, we would also recommend reviewing the Showing Behavior When a Listing is Switched between Self-Show and In-Person Showings.