Listing Import Automation from Third-Party Source Systems
Note that word: "automation". This is no Mechanical Turk. ShowMojo does not do “push of a button”. ShowMojo does: “There is no button. Enjoy...
Set Up a Listing Import
To add a Listing Import Source to your ShowMojo account, just: Go to the Listing Import Settings page. Locate the Add a Listing Importer...
Automated Listing Import Frequency and Running an Immediate Listing Import
ShowMojo regularly and automatically imports listings from any Listing Import Source configured on an account. During each import: Newly on-market listings are identified and...
Alert Email to Confirm Off-Market Listing Activity
Under normal circumstances, ShowMojo will automatically off-market your listings based on the preconfigured account settings on the Import Settings page. Occasionally something happens that...
Turn Off Zillow Rental Manager Listing Syndication and Transition to ShowMojo
ShowMojo cannot access your Zillow Rental Manager listings without syndication. If you want to disable Zillow Rental Manager syndication, then you must first import...
Transition All Listings from Another Source System to ShowMojo
Want to get your listings into ShowMojo, but then leave that your Listing Import Source system behind? You can use ShowMojo to import all...
Listings Not Importing Into ShowMojo
If you have listings in a Listing Import Source and don't see them in ShowMojo, please follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue: Go...
Listing Data Imported from PropertyBoss
For accounts using ShowMojo's PropertyBoss import functionality, here is a full reckoning of how ShowMojo pulls listing data from Property Boss. ShowMojo Data Location...
Edit (or Do Not Edit) Listings Imported into ShowMojo
By default, listings imported into ShowMojo cannot (and should not) be edited. Many edits to a listing will be over-written each time ShowMojo pulls...
Automatically Set and Update Listing Details on Import
When importing listings from a Listing Import Source ShowMojo automatically attempts to set the listing details based on the details (or amenities or features)...
Switch ShowMojo to a New Listing Import Source System
Are you changing property management systems? Or have you been entering your listings in ShowMojo and want to begin pulling those listings from another...
Take Imported Listings off the Market
The Normal, Automated Approach Under normal circumstances, it is highly recommended that customers configure ShowMojo's off-market automation. These features with automatically off-market imported listings...
Do Not Allow Showings on a Listing Before a Date, After a Date, or During a Specific Timeframe
Listings can be individually configured to block scheduling before a date, during a timeframe, or after a date -- regardless of any other system...
Automatically Assign Imported Listings to the Correct Calendars, Showing Agents and Listing Groups
When on-marketing a listing based on its status in the Listing Import Source, ShowMojo tries to automate everything that needs to be done to...
Use Custom Details on Imported Listings to Auto-Assign Regional Calendars and Listing Groups
ShowMojo can be used to assign listings to Regional Calendars and Listing Groups directly from your property management software (or any other Listing Import...
Market ShowMojo-Managed Listings and Listings from Multiple Import Sources without Issue
ShowMojo allows you to Import Listings from Multiple Import Sources as well as manage ShowMojo-entered listings without issue. More specifically, off-market automation is performed...
Import Listings from Multiple Import Sources
ShowMojo supports multiple Listing Import Sources per account. The number of import sources allowed on your account depends on your plan. An import source...
Schedule-a-Showing Buttons No Longer Appear on Buildium Marketing Sites
In September 2016 Buildium began switching customer sites to a new format that does not allow ShowMojo (or anyone, including you) to add schedule-a-showing...
Put an Imported Listing on the Market in ShowMojo
The Normal, Automated Approach Under normal circumstances, it is highly recommended that customers make all changes to their imported listings in the Listing Import...
Keep (or Block) a Listing from Importing into ShowMojo
Our real first answer to this is, why? Consider Better Options If the reason is that you have an occupied listing and need special...
Filter Imported Listings Based on Listing Contact Details
Each importer can be configured to import listings into a ShowMojo account only when any one of the following matches is found on the...
Issues Caused by Duplicate Listings with the Same Address
We try our best, but because of the way Listing Import Automation is designed to work, it occasionally happens that two listings with the...
Work with Existing Listings and a New Listing Import Source
You could find yourself reading this article if either is true: You had entered listings manually into ShowMojo in the past, but are now...
An Imported Listing Shows a History of Many Rent Updates Each Day
The cause of this is almost certainly two different listings in the Listing Import Source with the exact same address and unit number (or...
Specify Specific Cats or Dogs Options on Listings Imported from Propertyware
Propertyware limits its users to a Pets Allowed option of Yes or No. We understand this is not a fine-grained enough solution for many...
Automatic Listing Assignment from Agent Contact Information on an Imported Listing
Feature Overview The Default Calendar and Listing Auto-Assignment section on the Import Settings page does more than Assign Listings to Calendars and Listing Groups...
Assign Listings Directly to a Calendar or Listing Group Based on the Import Source
In addition to Assigning Listings to Calendars and Listing Groups Based on Cities and Zip Codes ShowMojo can also auto-assign imported listings to calendars...
Propertyware Listings Not Importing Due to Corrupted Photos
Propertyware Listing Imports can be neagatively impacted when one or more listings within Propertyware has a corrupted photo. You can see the issue for...
Imported Listings Are Not Automatically Going Off Market
In a case where one or more listings have been taken off-market in the Listing Import Source but are still on market in ShowMojo,...
Filter Imported Listings Based on Minimum Rent or State
Each individual Listing Import Source can be configured to import listings into a ShowMojo account, based on either: A minimum rent: Useful for filtering...
Listing Data Imported from Yardi Voyager
For accounts using ShowMojo's Yardi Voyager import functionality, here is a full mapping of how ShowMojo pulls listing data. Listing marketing details may require...
Listing Data Imported from RentCafe' API
For accounts using ShowMojo's Yardi Voyager integration, additional listing details will require an API connection established with RentCafe' in order to pull certain marketing...
Yardi Voyager Import Amenity Setup
ShowMojo will only identify the properties and/or listings that have been setup with the custom import amenity. The amenity must be formatted exactly as...
Listing Import Set Up for Yardi Voyager
When you start from the beginning, establishing a listing import from Yardi Voyager is a multi-step process. (We note this because it is not...
How the Housing Type Field Is Imported from Buildium
Buildium will provide three options for unit types. ShowMojo receives this information in your import feed and attempts to categorize them in commonly accepted...
Delays in Photo Import and Watermarking
Although ShowMojo attempts to complete the import of photos and apply watermarks quickly, occasionally during high usage periods these activities may be delayed. Our...
Configuring Housing Types in an Import Source
ShowMojo attempts to recognize listing details, such as housing type during automated import updates. For systems that have non-editable housing types (Buildium and AppFolio,...
Import Listings Using CSV
ShowMojo can import listings in CSV format into your ShowMojo account. You can find and download the upload template in the CSV Import section...
Entrata Integration
Overview Here are the highlights of ShowMojo’s Entrata Integration: Near-real-time, fully-automated import of on-market listings from Entrata to ShowMojo. Rent changes and off-market action...
Listing Data Imported from Buildium
For accounts using ShowMojo's Buildium Integration, here is a full mapping of how ShowMojo pulls listing data from Buildium. ShowMojo Data Location within Buildium...
Buildium Integration
Overview The integration between Buildium and ShowMojo is designed to streamline property management and leasing processes, creating a more efficient workflow for you. Here...
TenantCloud Integration
Overview Here’s the main highlights of ShowMojo’s TenantCloud Integration: Near-real-time, fully-automated import of on-market listings from TenantCloud to ShowMojo. Rent change and off-market action...